Daily Archives: September 5, 2011

Globe Tatt Awards Night

I was planning to go to Sagada when I had received the invitation for the Globe Tatt Awards Night at the Peninsula Manila. I told myself, I’ll be quick, just to show up and meet some friends, have a taste of Peninsula’s desserts, which they are really known for (proof: I had no picture of it because it went straight to the mouth!) But alas, Tita Mary of the Residence Lodge in Sagada texted me about the continuous rain and the risk for “slide”. Instant change of plans (and well, settling of some depression over a spoiled long weekend.) I stayed with friends instead, and enjoyed more desserts!

DSC_0176Shameful confession: I haven’t entered the Peninsula Manila until that night. I love the interiors – very classic!

DSC_0177With my backpack – oh don’t remind me anymore.


DSC_0180On my way to the Rigodon Ballroom, I spotted CVS and Events Director Robby Carmona

DSC_0181Polaroid prints – I didn’t have one ’cause I still haven’t changed from my supposedly “travel clothes”



DSC_0184I was getting drinks for Nina, who was a finalist for the Tatt, when I saw someone gracefully enter the ballroom. OMG! It’s DCF‘s Lori Baltazar! I could not tell you how freaked I am, actually we were both freaked out. Apparently, she remembered my blog about my Tatt bets.

DSC_0187Of course,  I didn’t let the opportunity of taking a photo with THE Lori pass – yes, even with the dorky work clothes. After this shot, I realized I should change.  

DSC_0189Globe Tattoo Brand Ambassador and runner Rio dela Cruz 

DSC_0190Globe Tattoo Brand Ambassador and blogger Saab Magalona

DSC_0192This photo is so paparazzi-ish

DSC_0194Tonyo‘s latest article from the Asian Correspondent.

DSC_0196Maria Ressa. She had a really nice speech about social media, actually very geeky. And she also had a funny blunder on presenting the Thought Mover award when she announced it even before presenting the finalists’ video. She’s really funny and I love her voice *fanboy moment*

DSC_0198Cedric Cid

DSC_01991:43. Oh hello there, Goldmon!

DSC_0201Beth Angsioco

DSC_0203Tonyo Cruz, Loi Landicho

DSC_0206Grace Velasco, a.k.a. Divasoria


DSC_0209Arjohn performed

DSC_0214Divine Lee and Tim Yap hosted. Hello there, Mother D!

DSC_0220I’ve been hearing about Paramita, but this is the first time I heard them perform. I like their set.

DSC_0224Fashion sisters Kryz Uy of WAGW and Camille Co of Coexist

DSC_0226Nice smile, Ean!

DSC_0228Armi: We’re kinda deaf here…

DSC_0231Carlos Tanada



DSC_0242Up Dharma Down won the Indie Rocker award. I always knew they will (/bias) haha! And oh, I forgot to take a solo of Paul Yap!



DSC_0253The Tweeps! Yen, Chuckie, (ooops, someone I forgot the name again), Tonyo, Ros, Jackie


DSC_0256Finally met The Creative Dork, Rob Bautista, and his friends

DSC_0257Becky Nights cast! Matt, Jake, Buern

DSC_0259You all know Mother D

DSC_0260Robbie Bercroft

DSC_0261Maria Aragon arrived late but then she still performed. Everybody loves her.


DSC_0263Aisa and friends

DSC_0267Tim Yap


DSC_0269Photographer Frank Ruaya

The Tatt Awards Winners are:
The One – Filipino Freethinkers
Ballbreaker – Lea Salonga
Stylisimo – Laureen Uy
Indie Rocker – Up Dharma Down
Wordslayer – Loi Landicho
Artiste – Jin Joson
Tech Junkie – Mark Macanas
#Thought-Mover – Bianca Gonzales
Video Slinger – Mikey Bustos
The Advocate – Elizabeth Angsioco

Thanks to Globe for an enjoyable evening! I even forgot my trip was cancelled because of a stupid typhoon >:)

Gail’s Birthday Blowout SALE!

It’s Punchdrunk Panda’s Gail Go‘s birthday on the 7th and this week will be her BIG BIRTHDAY BLOWOUT SALE! Enjoy up to 70% off on selected items! Tune in to PunchdrunkPanda.com for this sale. Also keep sharing us on your blogs and social networking sites to win gift certificates from us!

You don’t wanna miss this!

Punchdrunk Panda
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Last Week in Photos

30. Tuesday. Last of the long weekend. Last shot at trying to be productive on a staycation.

DSC_0270Lunch at Ambula


DSC_0272Everyday fried-day!

DSC_0274Interview for a UP student’s project (will post the video later)

DSC_0276I’m a milk tea hog like that

DSC_0278Blogging before the week gets seriously booked

31. Wednesday. Juice.ph Awards. Didn’t win but got to make friends with people.

DSC_0284Say hello to Cariza and Kisty, who won btw

DSC_0281Mango crepe from Dulcinea

DSC_0286The camera that made Kisty win – LOL!

1. Thursday. Levi’s Go Forth Launch at Whitespace + Smart Netphone Launch at Republiq. No photos for the Smart event, because Republiq was so KJ. #Boo



DSC_0303Paul, Kassy and boyf


Nina for positive change. Congrats for being one of Levi’s brand ambassadors!


We managed to have a photo via Kisty’s P&S. That’s me, Cariza, and Dianne, oh so wacky! Click at Kisty’s blog for more of the photos.

3. ICF@FEU Open House + Anteroom Sessions at Moonleaf Tea Shop – the past month was all about preparing for this event!

DSC_0402I love ICF’s open kitchen!

DSC_0417And I wanna take home this lamb shank…

DSC_0449Preparing spiels for Anteroom

DSC_0513I love Outerhope!!!! *screeching fanboy here*

DSC_0524Hanna, Escy, Saco, and Pate

DSC_0527Elaine, Ella, me, June, Dee, and Ariane

DSC_0547AJ, Bon, Curves, Elyoo, Paul

Thank you friends for coming and supporting our little event!!!!

Thank you Moonleaf Tea ShopPunchdrunk Panda family, our partner bands and brands for the Anteroom Sessions. I love y’all! :) Photo courtesy of Topshot Photo Booth.


Last week was so epic!!!

Been one of a hectic week, been running around the metro for errands, work, personal stuff, and our event at Moonleaf Tea Shop. But what the hell, it has been so productive and fun! I’m sick for today though, I have to focus getting rid of this flu before I embark on other projects at hand. Also, I will blog further about last week’s events. My backlog is growing like it’s on chlorella.

Sieze the moment!