Tag Archives: blabs

Not funny

Some Pinoys are just born to be exaggerated. You’ll hate every inch of it. Early in the morning, I received some curious message that reads exactly like this:

“BBC FLASHNEWS: japan govt confirms radiation leak at fukushima nuclear plants. Asian countries should take necessary precautions. Remain indoors first 24hrs. Close doors and windows. Swab neck skin with betadine where thyroid area is, radiation hits thyroid first. Take extra precaution, radiation may hit Philippines at staring 4pm today. . PLEASE SEND IF YOUR CONCERN. THANK YOU. I’M CONCERN <3″

First. Cringe at the grammatical error. Second. That heart text-sign just irritates me (because the person who sent it also does!) Third. This sounds like a hoax at first read, so that my initial response is to ignore it. JUST LOOK AT THE BETADINE PART. I can’t believe this turns to be yet another chain mail that almost drove the panic buyer in each Filipino in the nation. Thanks to Twitter, though…

My God. Doesn’t people have anything better to do?! Kuya Kim is right about that – he/she should be jailed. Immediately. Pronto. Whoever started this probably had better time than fooling and messing around. Fvck yov whoever yov are.

Read more here.

Dark Ages

Went to school for the integration a.k.a. in-house review last March 1. My RAS wasn’t very tolerant though Mr. Laboy is a good reviewer. I just wished they didn’t include nursing review center marketing with the lecture.

The guy in the blue polo left the group.

In the end of the review, they said they don’t resort to disparaging other review centers in their benefit, unlike others. How about subtle disparagement? In the end they just did. I won’t be mentioning it in elaborate details but it’s really disgusting to start with… that they think they can fool us, because we’re just students.

Note to review centers: please stop trying to destroy each other’s name. It’s a distasteful marketing strategy.

Foul play is never acceptable. These truly are the dark ages of the nursing practice.


I’m on the right track, baby…

If this does not play here, click it to redirect to Youtube. VEVO has set some playback limitations. And yes it sucks.

Once again, the Mother Monster, Lady Gaga did it. I looked forward to this day I shall see another explosive Gaga music video, and true to her gaga-ness she did the way she does best. I bet the religion of the insecure will swarm over her mantra and will again try, in all futility, to bring her down. But she who speak from the heart shall prevail. However, I will not pretend that I was not disturbed. I think it was the point of it all. To disturb, to shake, to crack. It would be meaningless if it didn’t. It was eclectic. Self-indulgent yet relevant. Orgasmic even! (pun intended)

What I am pointing since this song was released is that it promotes equality. I think I have given enough pseudo-privilege speeches on why the world is the worst place to be with inequality of all forms. I believe that in order for this world to achieve equilibrium and peace, it needs equality. In all forms. Gender is just one. There are a gazillion others. The society has twisted this world into believing that there is order in hierarchy and status quo, when there is absolutely nothing wrong with being different. If this world sees that we are but just equal men, the world is a happy place. Not happier, or the happiest. But happy, of no compare.

I won’t go so elaborate on this. Some might say, why is that blogger so affected by pop culture. First is that I don’t care what they think. And second it’s because I can relate. I’ll leave you with my favorite line:

No matter gay, straight, or bi
Lesbian, transgendered life,
I’m on the right track, baby,
I was born to survive.

I look forward to the mitosis of the future, to a race that knows no prejudice.

I was born this way,

#NowPlaying on repeat

Toxic, Glee cast

…’cause it has been so dragging lately…

Dog Days are Over, Florence and the Machine

…but just within hand’s reach only.

Lose Yourself, The Script

…’cause I just did…

Tongue Tied, Faber Drive

…for someone.

Please Don’t Go, Mike Posner

…’cause I have done my part and…

Ignorance | Playing God, Paramore

…I am ready to move on.

Pocketful of Sunshine, Natasha Bedingfield

…’cause I need some.

Empire State of Mind, Glee cast

…for the love of.

Big Bang Theory, Barenaked Ladies

…’cause it has to start with something…

2012, Jay Sean feat. Nicki Minaj

…and end with another.

The End where I Begin, The Script

…’cause I need to start again… and am watching the concert in Manila, too! HAHA!

One of Us, Glee cast

…’cause He had been.

Born this Way, Lady Gaga

…’cause gender equality is something yet to be achieved for this twisted planet. People must know how to have respect not just for the conventional, but even for the not-so-usual. Your preference does not define your totality of being.

Don’t discriminate. Represent!


Pyromusical v Diana

My February is so packed, I don’t know where to go first. In this case, both starts at the same time. CHOICES!

or this —

My classmates are going to the Pyromusical but it’s up until March pa naman, and I really wanna shoot the launch of Diana Mini Love is in the Air. To top it all off, I have my completion duty at 7am! I guess I better sleep for more energy tomorrow!

But I want to watch Gossip Girl first /LOL!

I’m not gonna write you a love song…

I can’t think of a proper title for this, and Sarah Bareilles just started playing in my BlackBerry /LOL. Camwhoring before the concert starts… and after the concert ended, teehee :)






In a matter of weeks, classes will be over so as my time in my alma mater is almost done. Funny as I type the words alma mater I slowly take in FEU. I am one too bold to say, that I didn’t plan, at all, going to FEU (ever) and that there are a lot of things that I didn’t quite like at all.

You can find me and let me personally ramble on this all in front of you. It’s a given talent, you know.

Anyway. Per as my tweet earlier yesterday, after shooting around the campus, I really have to succumb to the fact that my campus is beautiful. And green. BUT per as my tweet also, I shall say, let’s stop at that. /lol /jk

With all this beauty inside our university, I guess what’s left to tweak is a little better system. I hope to see my alma mater see again its glorious days – outward and inward glory.

Have you ever noticed (especially if you’re a student here, of course) these metal statues in our campus by famed artist Vicente Manansala?

For the love of

I’ve spent more than half of my senior year in high school in the official publication. I was the head photojournalist then (who btw never made it in the divisions, so I played part-layout artist, part-photojournalist, part-everyone’s assistant.) It will forever be the most cherished memory of my high school life though: camera in hand, living my bored life through the viewfinder.

A year in nursing made me kinda quit photography. If you let me divulge all information, feelings, and underlying violent reactions behind that subject, you’ll need a day worth of depression and suicidal ideations, because that story is a gaping black hole, that is, according to my friends. Anyway. To cut the long story short, I don’t need to continue to quit what I love doing the most because I got this for graduation:

YES! It is in my wishlist for Christmas. It got a little delayed, but hey all the same! Thanks to my Lola dearest, who by the way is my Valentine yesterday, and who gave this wonderful gift! I haven’t named it yet, but definitely took it for a spin already! Here are some of my test shots:

Angjhello, my cute inaanak

Focus – Defocus

Grand Royale





So far, I don’t know. You tell me. How was these shots?! Honestly, I’m pretty lacking in self-confidence in what I’m doing right here. I really need more practice, kinakalawang na kasi ako, haha. But if I will have one keeper for these set of photos, it will be this one:

Again, my inaanak Angjhello. This is my best shot using this camera so far. This is just an accidental shot, and I’m quite surprised how well composed the photo went. I hope to get more portraits like this!

So. There goes my first set of test shots. Feels so good, having been able to shoot after a very long time. I’d really need help though. If you could comment on these pictures, I would really appreciate any suggestions from you, guys! Thanks in advance y’all!

I think, I’ll be calling it a night.

Ciao for now,

Actress, Musician, Blogger, Tumblr Queen… and DJ?!

Catch Saab!


Blasted late duty schedules, I think I can’t make it also to the launch at Podium tomorrow. I wanna shoot (photos, of course, LOL) some people pa naman. I also wanna take my still unnamed camera for a date too. There are so many stuff going on this week, and apparently I can’t go because I still have to wait for schedule! This is one sad week. Very sad indeed.

All I can do is to blog about it though. Those who wanna catch Saab spin the tables for them all hippies at Cubao X, come one, come all!!! Except for me, errrrrr… I hope Saab DJs again :|

Blogs x V-Day

Been blog hopping for the last few hours because I’m – 1.) home early (yes, no cringing!), 2.) sick as hell, and 3.) really such a blogwhore. /LOL. Anyway. You should’ve seen my RSS reader! It’s been painted red all over.




I love Laureen, the uber-fashionista.


An idolatry I learned some six years ago – Ms. Lori Baltazar.


Me Buddha Banana

Bjorn x Manila

As much as I cringe how young he is and already making it big, I admire that his passion in everything he does.

Saab x FMCC

Is it necessary to say I love Saab more than any girl in my life? Groupie alert.


Rent is in my forever growing list of theatrical plays to watch. Maybe this Valentine’s. If only V-Day is a holiday!


* Photo credits to the respective bloggers.

I excluded posts from the ongoing Hot Air Balloon Festival in Clark – to which I was about to go, just when my asthma attacks like there’s no tomorrow. Dear lungs, I haven’t abused you at all, so why this? (Sorry. Ranting now.) ALSO! That Status Fashion Show in UST! Damn.

Valentine’s Day (or ❤’s Day to others. Make it Single Awareness Day to many!!!) is only three snoozes away. On a manic monday, I bet you’ll find it difficult finding a quiet, and almost empty restaurant with people less than smooching in front of you. People flood the malls as if it’s the Christmas sale again (AND LUNETA. Do people date there pa?) Flowers’ price hikes (to which I ask, why do chocolates’ don’t.) And the need for the RH bill to be passed increases. For me though (as in for the past 21 years a.k.a. My Whole Life), I’ll be spending it with friends and family (or with paperworks.) Hopefully, the former.

Not that I care that I don’t have a Valentine. Haha!

I’m going random and bonkers already. My lungs are unimaginable.