You’re a nineties baby if you know Captain Planet! This used to be my staple cartoon when I was a kid. And now (well, I’ve heard it before, now it comes with a lot more than a confirmation,) Cartoon Network and Don Murphy of the Transformers movies are coming up with a live action version of the famed environment hero!

“The messages of Captain Planet are even more relevant today,” said Stuart Snyder, president and COO of Turner Broadcasting System Inc.’s Animation, Young Adults and Kids Media division, in a press release. “We feel this team can bring the world’s first eco-hero to life in a powerful motion picture that is not only pertinent but entertaining.” (SOURCE)

So two birds with one stone? I think it will be a hit, especially with the 90’s generation, since Captain Planet is really an icon!!! I can’t wait for it.

Who do you want to play the role of Captain Planet? I like Jake Gyllenhaal. That just occurred in me, haha. How about the planeteers? I’m excited who would play Wheeler and Linka (and how they would make out, lol!) Ok ignore the last phrase, haha!

For the meantime, let’s watch this episode. I miss Captain Planet! GOOOOOOO PLANET!

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